Grievance Redressal Cell

Grievance Redressal Cell

Dumkal College has established a centralized Grievance Redressal Cell to redress any students’ grievances in accordance with the principles laid down by UGC.


  • To address legitimate grievances of students pertaining to academic and non-academic matters within the College premises.
  • Students can submit their grievances (Academic or Non-Academic) through the Grievance Redressal Cell. A separate box is located for this purpose.
  • An aggrieved student can register his/her complaint online through mail.
  • While dealing with the complaint, the committee will observe the law of natural justice and hear the complainant and concerned people, as and when required.
  • The Cell may recommend necessary corrective action to ensure the avoidance of similar grievances in the future.
  • Upload relevant information on the College website from time to time.

Functions of the Grievance Redressal Cell

  • To accept written grievances from students and staff related to the system.
  • To create and implement a mechanism to handle the reported grievances.
  • To forward the findings to the appropriate authority of the college if necessary for further action.
  • To listen, record, and scrutinize the grievances submitted and take necessary steps immediately.
  • To attend to the grievances based on their authenticity and gravity.
  • To represent the grievances to the concerned section which may include maintenance, transport, academics, amenities, etc.
  • To convene periodical meetings to discuss whether the grievances have been settled.
  • To make a follow-up of these matters at regular intervals until their final resolution.
  • To maintain strict confidentiality, if necessary.

Mechanism for Redressal

  1. Students can register their grievances in writing and drop them in the designated box located on the main campus.
  2. Students can lodge their complaints directly through email at:
  3. The Cell, after verifying the facts, will try to redress the grievance within a reasonable time, preferably within a month.
  4. The Cell may call upon the concerned student/staff as and when required.
Sl No Post Name of Faculty Designation & Deparment
1 Chairperson Dr. Bhabesh Pramanik Principal
2 Convenor Mr. Jayanta Kar Associate Professor, Department of History
3 Member Mrs. Mousumi Singha University Nominee of G.B
4 Member Dr. Swati Molla Associate Professor, Department of Geography
5 Member Mr. Basudeb Sinha SACT-II, Department of Commerce
6 Member Mr. Masadul Islam SACT-II, Department of English
7 Member Mr. Kashinath Biswas Head Clerk
  • Dumkal College
  • Basantapur, Dumkal
  • Dist - Murshidabad
  • Pin - 742406
  • West Bengal, India
  • Email :

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